Saturday, July 9, 2011

Why Baby Blast flavored pacifier spray? $2 off PROMO CODE

Have you ever had a baby that was not calmed very easily? I have used pacifiers for years and years...but what I found by dipping them into something flavored...sometimes my babies will be irritable or fussy and they just fed and they may have a gassy belly, or something is bothering them...babies are usually CALMED with sucking! If I can give them something on a pacifier that does not go in their tummy and make it more irritated but keeps them sucking and feeling like they are getting something, then I am a happy mom with a happy baby! Sometimes babies just want to keep sucking but don't need to be eating! Baby Blast will last on their pacifier, they will have the feeling they are getting something and they will love it! Give it a try!  
$2 off PROMO  CODE:  blast4u 
Also a great baby shower gift!